
Future events

June 15-17, 2022

REPRODUCTIVE FUTURES: Emergent injustices, hopes and paradoxes  

An International Conference

At Scandic Hotel Rosendahl, Tampere Finland

Photos:  Jinen Shah, Louis Reed, Liz Brenden, Markus Spiske (Unsplash)

Decreasing fertility rates and delayed family formation have raised concern across the world. Meanwhile, human population growth is regarded a problem for global ecological sustainability. This paradox has instigated discussions about future population control, family relations, and reproductive and environmental justice. For example, biodiversity, complex ecologies and good life for not just humans but also more-than-humans are receiving growing attention in research, policymaking, design and art. At the same time, existing and emerging reproductive technologies, together with the increasing commercialization of care and health data, are reshaping family- and kin-making landscapes. Furthermore, women’s and gender, sexual and ethnic minorities’ rights to sexual and reproductive health have been re-politicized in many national contexts.

This international conference aims to engage, explore and unpack the plurality of relationships between reproductive practices, population and ecological futures.

We will address the following questions:

1. What future imaginaries of relationality are thinkable and possible in practices of reproduction, in the historical contexts of climate change, (bio)capitalism and late modernity?

2. How are norms and conceptions of reproduction and kinship resisted to achieve reproductive justice, environmental justice and queer justice?

3. How are global inequalities and colonial legacies of gender, race and economy reproduced in attempts to have children, make kin, and sustain family relationships?

4. How do people rethink norms of relatedness, sexuality, family and kinship in the everyday, and how are these recognized in policy making and social services?

5. What kind of labour goes into maintaining, altering and profiting from transnational markets and bioeconomies of reproductive industry and pharmaceutical enterprise?

6. How are reproductive futures constituted in practices, policies and technologies of reproduction concerning nonhumans, such as farmed and wild animals or biodiversity-related seed banking?

7. How are toxic exposures, biodiversity loss and climate crisis exacerbating the hierarchies that support some families and not others?


Past events

7.5.2021, 9:00 – 11:00

“Syntyvyys laskee, syveneekö eriarvoisuus?” [Birth rates are decreasing. Will inequality deepen?] webinar. This webinar was in Finnish.

In the webinar we bring together the views of experts and decision makers on how to combat inequality in the future of Finland, where population in decreasing and the dependency ration is changing.

Additional information and instructions how to participate on Facebook [in Finnish].


Perhe 2.0 [Family 2.0] series of articles. This series of articles was produced in collaboration with online media Perheyhteiskunta. The texts of the Perhe2.0 series discuss the new models and forms of family formation and the futures of parenthood.Links to the articles:

26.10. Tiia Sudenkaarne: Kuka saa lisääntyä?
29.10. Elli Lehikoinen: Fiktion valta ja lisääntyminen
02.11. Elina Helosvuori: Hedelmöityshoidot ovat erityinen tapa tulla vanhemmaksi
08.11. Petteri Eerola: Muuttuvan isyyden jäljillä
11.11. Siru Lehto: Psykososiaalinen tuki jää lapsettomuuden hoidossa lisääntymisteknologian jalkoihin

3.11.2020, 17:00 – 19:00

Webinar “Tulevaisuuden perhe – miltä se näyttää” [Future families – What do they look like?]

Webinar “Future families – what do they look like?”. Additional information and instructions how to participate on Facebook. A public webinar organized by the Reproductive Futures project.


Open lecture by Professor Jade Sasser “Disrupting Malthusian Global Futures”. University of Tampere, Linna-building, room 4013. At: 13.00-15.00.

9.12. – 15.12.2019

Imiö week. A series of articles produced in cooperation with sociological online media, Ilmiö. Links to the texts (in Finnish):

9.12. Riikka Homanen: Suomalaiset lahjamunasolut houkuttavat ulkomailta Suomeen hedelmöityshoitoihin
10.12. Mika Gissler & Anna Heino: Miltä suomalaisten lisääntyminen näyttää tilastojen valossa?
11.12. Mikael Puurtinen: Syntyvyyden lasku antaa toivoa ekologisesti kestävämmästä tulevaisuudesta
12.12. Johanna Sarlio-Nieminen: Malawin maaseudulla miehillä oli paljon kysyttävää ehkäisystä
13.12. Lynn Jamieson: Suuri osa lapsettomista kolmekymppisistä eurooppalaisista toivoo lapsia mutta lykkää perheellistymistä, osa vasten tahtoaan
14.12. Jade Sasser: Ilmastonmuutosta ei ratkaista väestökontrollin keinoin
15.12. Mianna Meskus: Historia voi opettaa jotain siitä, millaista väestöpolitiikkaa ilmastokriisin aikana voisi tehdä

7.11. – 8.11.2019

Reproductive justice, population control and ecological sustainability -Symposium at Hotel Rantapuisto, Helsinki